Monday, September 14, 2009

Football - Hail to the Victors in the Big House

So what do I do on Saturdays? I watch College Football.

Is Football big in Ann Arbor?
No it is huge!

The Michigan Stadium, called the Big House, is the second biggest stadium in the US with a capacity of approximately 107,000. Since 1975 the attendance of every home game exceeded 100,000.
(btw Ann Arbor has 115,000 citizens)
On game days, the city is crowded from the early morning, with pre-game parties.

So how is the season going so far?
GREAT - after a bad season last year the team is 4-0 until now.
Especially exiting: A last second victory against Notre Dame two weeks ago.

So me and my classmates are having a lot of fun and plenty of opportunities to sing the Michigan fight song: Hail to the victors!

Next Saturday is the big game against Michigan State University (the local arch rival).


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