Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall A - if you are not overwhelmed you are totally missing the point

I guess so far you get the impression that I do not study too much.
At the beginning of September my first term - Fall A - has started.
Since then I have more studying to do, then I could ever accomplish.
I thought I would know already, what a ridiculous workload looks like. This is a whole different ballgame, as they like to say here.

After I successfully passed the Accounting Exam before the start of classes, I have three mandatory courses left: Strategy, Economics, and Statistics.
Additionally I take one elective in "Management Presentations".

Up to now I have a lot of fun, the classes are interesting and the professors and classmates are great. Did I mention how much work this is already?

The most memorable experience so far, was my first strategy class.
After two minutes our professor calls me:
"Andreas, is the airline industry a good industry?"
For the next minutes I only heard "What else, ..."
What came in handy, was that I had some basic understanding of Porter's five forces.

So yes, Padde, I am really reading all these books. Padde once questioned whether I would really read all these books, or whether I would be running a book retailer.

Back to my strategy class. After a few minutes I got interrupted by a classmate. While I was thankful for the interruption, my professor did not like it and made sure it was understood that he was not happy about it. The next thing I hear: "Andreas, apologies for the interruption, please continue!"
A few more minutes later, he was finally decided to ask somebody else about what Ryanair was successful. However, that did not stop him from coming back to me every time he had a question on the industry structure.

The good news: I did pretty well, and (EVEN BETTER) I will most probably not be cold called again in Strategy this term.

The other classes are more relaxed. Management Presentations is extremely helpful and by fare the best public speaking course I ever had. Economics is great, because frequently I have to think: "Ah, this is why ... "

The scary thing about all this:
It is over in less than 3 weeks.
Oh, I guess this means that I have final exams in less then 3 weeks and I should get back to my books!

But before doing this I share a quote from my professor about the MBA experience:
"If you are not overwhelmed you are totally missing the point!"
If this is the standard, I totally get this MBA thing! :-)

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