Monday, December 21, 2009

Fall B - 2 down: Happy Holidays

Hard to believe, but now my second term Fall B is over!

So what did I learn?
I learned about Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Finance and World Economy.
Really? I need to be more specific?

Ok, so here are some highlights:

1.) I am now an expert on erectile dysfunction drugs
Yes, as part of my marketing class me and my time needed to analyze and improve the marketing campaign of Levitra.

Yes, indeed we had a lot of fun working on this!
Thanks Erica, Evins, Eric, Ivan and Douglas!

2.) I learned what a marketing problem is:
One my first day at Accenture a guy from the marketing department talked to all new hires about the trouble they are having with Tiger Woods not being number one in golf anymore.

Well, life is full of small challenges.
If the marketing professor asks in class: "To make this easier, who has not slept with Tiger Woods?" you probably know that you have a marketing problem.

The upside?
Accenture made it on Colbert:

3.) While enjoyed the Finance lecture very much. I especially liked how Professor Bharath managed to explain stock valuation with the movie "Cast Away".
Yes, the coconuts on the island are like a stock with a beta of below 1. ;-)
(I know, you have to be kind of strange to find this funny, hence I spare you additional details!)

4.) Finance also taught me how to value a Senator seat. So in case I ever have the opportunity to sell a seat in the Bundestag, I now know how to value it.
Yes, Ms. Ypsilanti, in case you still have some political ambitions, just give me a call!

But now enough about academics!
My biggest achievement this term came not in the class room anyways but playing Whirlyball.
What? You do not know what this is? Shame on you!
It is a combination of bumper-cars, basketball and lacrosse.
Sounds weird? YES! Sounds fun? YES!!!

Another highlight, the bachelor party of Marcel!

I will not further comment on what happened that night.
Only so much: as far as I know nobody found a Tiger in his bathroom the next morning.
(Disclaimer: the term "Tiger" is limited to the animal and does not include a formerly popular golfer.)

So to summarize this term in one word: GREAT!
I had another couple of great months!

I wish you all a happy holiday season and hope you get a chance to spend some time with your friends and loved-ones!

In case you get bored:
A fun read: SuperFreakonomics - yes, I am totally sold on economics and markets by now! ;-)


  1. Hallo Andreas

    wünsche Dir ein gutes neues Jahr!
    Die erste Hälfte von meinem Semester ist auch schon um, unglaublich...

    Viele Grüße aus Toulouse!

  2. Happy New Year dude!!!
