Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Three vacations + one internship = a great summer

When I came back to Ann Arbor yesterday, it felt like I have been away for quite some time. But, it is great to be back!

Over the summer I interned at Booz & Company. As a consultant you are always very concerned with your work-life-balance, right!?!
To address that I traveled to Las Vegas & National Parks in the US, Austria, and Greece.
Isn't that just about the work-life-balance I can expect as a consultant? ;-)

My internship was great!
I worked on projects in Dublin in Mannheim for Telco and Chemical clients.
But first things first: At the start of the internship I spend one week in New York (ok, fine I admit it was in New Brunswick, NJ) on a training. A lot of fun and a great opportunity to meet the other interns!
The other fun event took place in Berlin (no, it was really in Berlin and not in Potsdam ;-)). All interns were invited to the Booz Soccer Cup.
Maybe one side comment: The intern team won!
That weekend was just wonderful! Great weather, Germany beating (actually humiliating is more accurate) Argentina in the World Cup, meeting old friends in Berlin, and did I mention that we won the Booz Soccer Cup? ;-)
But yes, I also had some work to do. It was intense at times, but almost always fun. I had great job managers, great project teams, a wonderful office in Stuttgart and a great mentor!
Thanks to all of you, who made this an enjoyable internship!
At the end it also ended up being a successful one, with me securing a full-time offer. :-)

Being very concerned with my work-life-balance I went on several vacations after (and partly before) my internship. Instead of writing a lot about it, I think I will just show you some pictures. However one thing I want to point out (after different experiences in the past ;-)), I only lost one Dollar gambling in Las Vegas! :-)

Another highlight of the summer was Miri's and Oli's wedding in Italy.
Congrats again to both of you and all the best for your future!!!

In case anybody is looking for a wedding location in Italy, I have one to recommend ...

Finally I need to thank Lufthansa.
There upgrade yesterday made my flight a lot more enjoyable! :-)

Now, I very much look forward to the start of the semester! Can't believe that I am "almost" done and that now I am an MBA2.